Weddings and Funerals By Sandy Bottom

The Sandy B Blog

Resources, Inspiration, And Planning Tips 

So your thinking how do you start your speeches in a wedding ceremony? . Have you considered that speeches dont need to be only done at a ceremony?

Sandy Bottom explains how.

So you have been told that you need to choose vowls and not really sure how to start. I get that often from couples and even though I try to keep them comfortable with the idea that its not such a big thing, its hard to get the first steps on the move.

Making Speeches in a wedding ceremony is really important to get right, so consider how your going to make a difference with your partner on the day.

Think of the basic wedding words that are going to make your day special. Think about what your partner is going to feel, and how that will effect your day.

I Take You To Be My Lawful Wedded Partner

Its a simple as that
Sandy Bottom explains how you can say speeches in a ceremony?

It Starts With

” I Love You”

” The minute I met you, I just knew”

“The way you xxxx”

“We are so good together because”

“I decided to marry you because “

“We go together because”

Speeches make a difference

There isnt hardly a wedding these days that couples dont choose to say personal vowls to each other. Its that moment of the ceremony that the couple get to say something special to each other. Its a stamp in time that locks in and asks the question, “This is why i want to marry you”.

But everyone is different, some people are shy and dont like to do “Public Speaking”, as they call it. So working with this, why not consider a different way of reaching out without the terrifying vowls.

What about a picture video of each other, with special memories that you built, or what about your best man and best lady, saying something at the wedding ceremony. Why did it become so important to do the speaches at the recieption?. Why not offer the speeches as part of the service.

If you dont like the idea of these, then go back to the drawing board and decide to write that magical message that you cant forget. The words such as:

” I Love You – because”

” The minute I met you, I just knew”

“The way you xxxx”

“We are so good together because”

“I decided to marry you because “

“We go together because”

and see where that lands you. In the times of trouble, Ill be here, Ill help and Ill get you through that speech. If your looking for more inpiration have a look at this downloadable guide to speeches also.

Or if your struggling just give me a call why not contact sandy